Dr. Janelle Brady on Empowering Others: Carving Spaces in the Academy (online)
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
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Lecture 5: Dr. Janelle Brady on navigating the academy and antiracism.
This online Zoom lecture series centres speakers' diverse experiences navigating the challenging world of academia, finding opportunities within and beyond postsecondary institutions, and carving space for themselves and others in their fields. By creating space for balanced representation and illuminating diverse lived realities in academia and beyond, we might all be empowered to reflect on and share our own journeys, and be better equipped to support each other in the process.
Dr. Janelle Brady (she/her/hers), the fifth speaker of the series, will discuss antiracism. She is an assistant professor in the School of Early Childhood Studies, Faculty of Community Services at Ryerson University (X University). She is an anti-racist educator, activist-researcher and community organizer. Brady completed her PhD at the University of Toronto in the Department of Social Justice Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) and she has over ten years of experience in the curation and delivery of professional development education curriculum in the areas of anti-Black racism, anti-racism, equity, diversity and inclusion, and capacity-building.
This event is supported by Queen’s Inclusive Community Fund. The lecture series is available in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports upon request. Please contact us by email at empoweringothers.eo@gmail.com
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