The Growth and Development of Chinese NGOs Domestically and Abroad, and its Implications for International Development
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
This talk looks at the strategies Chinese NGOs employ to survive and operate in an authoritarian institutional environment. What happens when Chinese NGOs that are born and socialized in such a domestic context, "go out" to other jurisdictions with similar or varying regime types? Finally, I will suggest that the internationalization of Chinese NGOs will foster a more pluralized global civil society. Ultimately, this will require us to rethink salient precepts and practices in international development.
Reza Hasmath (Ph.D., Cambridge) is a Professor in Political Science at the University of Alberta. He was previously a faculty member at the Universities of Oxford, Melbourne, and Toronto. His award-winning research – supported by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation – has recently appeared in Public Administration and Development, Journal of Social Policy, International Political Science Review, Voluntas, and Development Policy Review.
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