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Writing Pedagogy Institute

Monday, May 13, 2019 – Thursday, May 16, 2019 (all day)
Ellis Hall
Room: 226
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The Writing Pedagogy Institute offers you the opportunity to infuse writing into your courses using evidence-based practices for writing pedagogy. Over four mornings, participants will explore four topics: big-picture course design issues (Monday); assignment design and delivery (Tuesday); feedback methods and practices (Wednesday); and instructional strategies for writing (Thursday). Each morning also includes guest lectures from faculty and staff doing exciting things with writing, and dedicated work time for application of the day’s theoretical content. Afternoons will include two optional activities: the workshop space will be available as a quiet retreat workspace for participants, and CTL staff will be available for individual consultations at the CTL offices.

Do I need to attend all the sessions?

Participants can choose to register for single mornings or the entire four-day institute.

Will I receive documentation that I completed this Institute?

Participants who attend all four days will receive a certificate of completion.

What do I need to bring with me?

Participants should bring a laptop and any necessary course materials.

Centre for Teaching and Learning
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