COOKING WITH GRANDMAS (RSVP required by Feb. 11 @ noon)
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
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COOKING WITH GRANDMAS (veggie + meat options, 3 course meal) -- FOR QUEEN'S STUDENTS ONLY -- $5 (bursaries on request)
REGISTRATION REQUIRED by Monday February 11 at noon as space is limited to ten people.
Want to cook for/with your sweetie? This month's gathering could be a fun Valentine's date!!
Add some fun, food and friendly grandmas to your time at Queen's! We meet once a month through the academic year. All Queen's students welcome.
The Grandmas, who are from the Queen's Women's Association, provide the space, bring the ingredients and recipes. Students help to prepare and eat the three course meal and take home any leftovers. All for 5 bucks (which can be waived if a subsidy is requested). A great way to meet a diversity of the Queen's and Kingston communities, learn some cooking skills, and have a delicious home cooked meal.
Brought to you by the Queen's Women's Association and the Queen's University Office of Faith and Spiritual Life
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