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University Council Dinner featuring the Distinguished Service Awards

Saturday, November 10, 2018
6:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Ban Righ Hall
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Jim Leech, Chancellor


Daniel R. Woolf, Principal and Vice-Chancellor

invite you to join them for the

University Council Dinner

honouring this year’s

Distinguished Service Award recipients

Teresa Alm

Keith Banting

Sarah Jane Dumbrille

John Fisher

Audrey Hunt

Brian Osborne


Business attire

Please feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues and friends.

Kindly register by November 5, 2018

If you would like to send a congratulatory note to one or more of the recipients, please e-mail the note with the recipient's name included to   Notes will be presented to the recipients that evening.

$85 per guest; $40 per Queen's Student
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