NSERC Discovery Grant Information Session
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Queen's Event: NSERC Discovery Grant Information Session
When: June 14th, 10 am - 12 pm
Where: BioSciences 1102
RSVP requested.
URS will very briefly outline internal deadlines and support for Queen's applicants
Neil Magoski (DBMS) will give a presentation from the perspective of an experienced member of the NSERC Evaluation Group 1501 (Genes, Cells and Molecules)
Xiaodan Zhu (ECE) will give a presentation from the perspective of a successful applicant. He was recently awarded a Discovery Accelerator Award, and has previously served as a committee member on the Evaluation Group 1507 (Computer Science) before joining Queen’s.
Note that most aspects of the evaluation process are the same across evaluation groups.
There will be time for Questions and Answers, so please bring your questions!
- If this event listing appears to have errors or inaccuracies, please notify the event's Contact (see above).