Cha Gheill Luncheon with RockMass Technologies
11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Join us for the return of the Kingston Cha Gheill Luncheons with a talk on the impacts of Innovation at Queen's. Enjoy a firsthand perspective from student participants in the Queen's Innovation Centre Summer Initiative, featuring Shelby Yee, Sc'16, and Matt Gubasta, Artsci'17. Our speakers are past participants in the Dunin-Deshpande Queen's Innovation Centre's Summer Initiative, where they became co-founders of RockMass Technologies along with fellow students, Stuart Bourne, Sc'17, and Matas Sriubiskis, Artsci'18, and won the program's 2016 Venture Pitch Competition.
RockMass Technologies is developing technology used in mining, geological exploration and civil engineering industries that is used to analyze ground stability and rock mechanics. They have been working closely with Queen's University's Mining Systems Lab, where the initial technology was developed and have recently hired Jordan Mitchell, a Mining and Masters of Mechanical Engineering graduate from Mining Systems Lab. Since graduating from the Summer Initiative, RockMass focused its development and expansion within Canada and has participated in the Hax Hardware Accelerator, taking place in Shenzhen, China. RockMass credits much of its success to the ecosystem at Queen's which has provided support to their mentorship and development.
Registration cost includes reception (cash bar available), three course lunch, and speaking event.
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