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Virtual Accessibility Café - The New Inclusivity: Neurodiversity and Workplace Inclusion

Wednesday, April 28, 2021
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
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Accessibility Café - The New Inclusivity: Neurodiversity and Workplace Inclusion

Join us for the next Accessibility Café on Wednesday, April 28, 2:00 - 3:00pm! Presented by the Queen’s Human Rights and Equity Office and the Queen’s University Built Environment Advisory Group (BEAG) .


We are living in a time of increased numbers and awareness about individuals with neuro-sensitives and special needs, such as ADHD. In fact, 1 in 8 people are considered neurodiverse but fewer than 50% know it. But these individuals can be high energy, out of the box thinkers, excel in a crisis, and be bold problem solvers. Not only is designing to be inclusive the right thing to do, there is a compelling business case for it as well. 


Kay Sargent, Senior Principal | Director of WorkPlace

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn the different neuro-sensitives and how they impact individuals
  2. Understand the areas of sensitivity and the potential design solutions to address them
  3. Explore the benefits of designing a space that addresses the needs of all and is inclusive
  4. Learn how to be proactive with your design and policies to create an inclusive work environment


Please RSVP to by Tuesday April 27, 2021. Upon confirmation you will be sent a Zoom meeting invite for your calendars.

ASL interpreter and captioning via Zoom Live Transcription will be available.


Andrew Ashby
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