Taking up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Recommendations in your Classroom
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
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Co-sponsored by the Centre for Teaching and Learning; and the Agnes Etherington Art Centre
September 30th is recognized as National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. As we reflect on our responsibilities to fulfill the TRC recommendations as educators and to fight for Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination, this panel of non-Indigenous educators will share some reflections and strategies they have employed in their classrooms, curriculum, and research. The panel consists of educators who engage in this work as instructors, curriculum developers, researchers, and as activists, and they will help us think through the intersections between TRC, curriculum, and critical engagement in Indigenous sovereignty beyond institutionalized checklists.
Because much of this labour and reflection has fallen on already over-burdened Indigenous colleagues, we hope to shift the narrative and take on some of the responsibility in thinking about this work ethically and collaboratively.
Participants are invited to read “Yakwanastahentéha Aankenjigemi Extending the Rafters: Truth and Reconciliation Commission Task Force Final Report” and “Calls to Action Accountability- A 2021 Status Update on Reconciliation” by the Yellowhead Institute to fully engage with the conversation.
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