Sorry I’m late I didn’t want to come (Agnes X ReelOut)
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
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Sorry I’m late I didn’t want to come indulges a fascination with failure, something that queer folks have always done deftly and with elan. It brings scenes of refusal and futility and redundancy across several short videos together with live performances of rejections that have been reworked at our public workshop.
All are welcome.
This program is being presented as part of Agnes's Artist Residency Wee Bit Off Centre’s rethinking of art institutional practices, including how failure helps us articulate visions of working and being together unavailable under current logics of success.
Initiated by Tear Jerkers (Michelle Bunton and GHY Cheung), WBOC is co-stewarded alongside William Carroll, Em Harmsen, Faten Nastas Mitwasi and Mehvish Rather. The project is curated by Nasrin Himada, Associate Curator, Academic Outreach and Community Engagement, at Agnes Etherington Art Centre. WBOC takes up residence across Etherington House and other off-site locations from 1 January to 31 March 2024.
Co-presented with ReelOut: Kingston’s queer film + video festival.
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