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SNID Talk "Trans Nation: What has changed for Trans people in South Africa?"

Thursday, October 20, 2016
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Mackintosh-Corry Hall
Room: D-214
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Liesl Theron will present a contextual analysis addressing the ‘state of the nation’ in South Africa during apartheid, post-apartheid through to the current context. In this overview she poses the question: “what changed”?  Did anything really change for trans people, and how much changed?

Liesl Theron has been an activist since 2005. She was a co-founder of Gender DynamiX, the first South African NGO focusing on transgender and gender nonconforming advocacy. She serves on the GATE advisory board since 2010 and on the International planning committee for the Philadelphia Trans Health Conference (2011 – 2015). Theron serves as an LGBTI-Affirmative Practice Core Working group member for the Psychological Society of South Africa, and is the consultant for the development of International Trans Fund and its interim Steering Committee.

Susan Belyea
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