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Robert Sutherland Visitorship Lecture and Drop-in - José Medina Colloquium - "Imagining Otherwise..."

Thursday, March 28, 2019
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Watson Hall
Room: 517
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Robert Sutherland Visitorship Lecture 
(Sponsored by the Department of Philosophy) 

José Medina 
(Walter Dill Scott Professor of Philosophy, Northwestern University)

"Imagining Otherwise: Intersectional Violence and Resistant Imaginations"
Thursday, March 28th, 2019 at 4:00 pm
Watson Hall, Room 517

Followed by light refreshments at the University Club

Abstract: This talk till explore how gender violence intersects with racist and transphobic violence and how those intersections are erased or distorted in public discourse. I will examine the communicative dysfunctions that exist around the phenomenon of gender violence and how sexist, transphobic, and racist imaginaries make women of color and trans-women especially vulnerable to violence and distort their experiences as victims of violence. I will discuss how we can exercise the imagination in resistant ways and how we can resist those communicative dysfunctions and oppressive imaginaries by imagining otherwise. I will discuss some specific cases of gender violence and the ways in which they were distorted in the media coverage, showing how critically engaged publics can resist those distortions.

BEFORE THE TALK: Meet the Speaker!
Thursday, March 28th, 2 - 3 p.m.
A.R.C. Duncan Longue, Watson Hall, Room 341
Refreshments will be served

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Sheena Wilkinson
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