RAQ Speaker Series: Banning large university parties won't work - what will?
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
The Retirees Association of Queen's Lunchtime Speaker Series presents
Dr. Wendy Craig: Banning large university parties won't work - what will?
BACKGROUND: Dr. Craig, Professor in the Department of Psychology at Queen's University, is a leading international scientist and expert on bullying prevention and the promotion of healthy relationships. As co-founder and Scientific Co-Director of PREVNet (Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network), she has transformed the science of bullying and healthy relationships into evidence-based practice, intervention, and policy. Her secondary area of research is on teen dating violence and leads a Community of Practice of 21 intervention projects addressing teen dating violence. Among other activities, she has worked with the World Health Organization, UNICEF, is the Co-Director of an international Bullying Research Network, and acts as an advisor to Canadian government ministries. Dr. Craig has won numerous awards including the Canadian Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Contributions to Community Service, the Queen’s Excellence in Research Prize, the Order of Ontario, and the Order of Canada.
This is an open event and pre-registration is required by email to: raq@queensu.ca
A Zoom link will be sent. The meeting will open at 12:50 pm
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