QUMIN Fall Social
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Attention Muslim Faculty and Staff at Queen’s University!
QUMIN Fall Social
Friday, September 23, from 3-4 pm
Elias Andrews Room (Room 226), Theological Hall
We are working on forming QUMIN (Queen’s University Muslim Inclusion Network) for faculty & staff at Queen’s. Please join us at our first social this Friday (Sept 23) from 3-4 pm in Theological Hall (Rm 226).
Meet other Muslim faculty & staff over tea/coffee Insha Allah.
Contact Dr. Mona Rahman (rahmanm@queensu.ca) or Dr. Adnan Husain (ah28@queensu.ca) for details.
We are a diverse group of Muslim faculty and staff, inclusive of Teaching Assistants and Student employees, of all at Queen's seeking to establish a network of fellow community members who feel inspired by, or a sense of belonging to the faith of Islam. First and foremost, it is a safe space for those who identify as Muslim on campus to support one another through building and strenghening of connections within the community.
- If this event listing appears to have errors or inaccuracies, please notify the event's Contact (see above).