Queen's Policy Talks Lecture - Critical Events and Ethnocultural Minorities’ Sense of Belonging - L Turgeon & A Bilodeau
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
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Critical Events and Ethnocultural Minorities’ Sense of Belonging: Exploring the Impact of the Charter of Quebec Values and Bill 21
Friday, March 19, 2021 12:00 PM
Luc Turgeon, Associate Professor, Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa
Antoine Bilodeau, Professor, Political Science, Concordia University
Over the past decade, a growing body of literature has explored the impact of what has been referred to as “external”, “critical” or “threatening” events on attitudes toward immigrants and ethnocultural minorities. Relying on the availability of longitudinal data, these scholars have assessed the effect of events such as terrorist attacks, the European “migrant crisis” or the adoption of different public policies. However, so far, few studies have explored the impact of critical events that might be perceived as targeting immigrants or ethnocultural minorities on their sense of belonging. In this paper, we explore whether debates around the Charter of Quebec of values (2013-14) and Bill 21 (2019) had a negative impact on minorities’ sense of belonging to Quebec. Moreover, we explore the impact of such events on the sense of belonging to Canada, as well as the mechanisms by which these events contributed (or not) to a changing sense of belonging. The study draws on three surveys of visible minority Quebecers that were conducted in 2012, 2014 and 2019.
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