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Peace is Possible: Lessons of Medieval Interfaith Relations Between Muslims, Christians and Jews

Thursday, October 15, 2020
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Facebook live via Queen's University Office of Faith and Spiritual Life
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Dr. Adnan Husain is the Director of the Queen's School of Religion and an Associate Professor in the Department of History. He will be offer a lecture to answer the following questions: What can the history of interfaith relations among the religious traditions and communities of the Medieval Mediterranean World teach us in a multi-religious and multicultural society like contemporary Canada? How did communities co-exist, despite doctrinal conflicts and different practices, in places like Damascus, Cordoba, Cairo, Palermo? This lecture will address what we can learn from these examples about enhancing interfaith understanding and cooperation in our secular democratic society and reflect on what religious culture and faith can contribute in our own time.


This event is co-hosted by the Kingston Interfaith Community, The Office of Faith and Spiritual Life, Muslim Societies Global Perspectives and the Islamic Society of Kingston


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