Palenai Piano Duo Presents BLACK AND WHITE IN COLOR
2:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Joy Innis and Adrienne Shannon have concertized across Canada and internationally. They will perform works by Schubert, Debussy and Queen's faculty member, Michel Szczesniak including selections of their award-winning multimedia Rythm'n Views.
Student discount: It is very easy for Queen’s University students to purchase student tickets online using their student number to receive the student discount. All other students wishing to obtain the student discount are required to purchase tickets by phone or in person.
Note: Subscribers to three or more Dan School Faculty Artist Series concerts will receive a 25% discount and following the subscription purchase, will be emailed a Discount Code to redeem for a free ticket (or tickets) to the Marjan Mozetich documentary screening on Tuesday, October 22, 2019 at 7:30 pm.
Purchase tickets
- If this event listing appears to have errors or inaccuracies, please notify the event's Contact (see above).