Online Webinar: Rethinking our Science: Blackfoot Metaphysics Waiting in the Wings. Reflections by a Blackfoot
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
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Dr. Leroy Little Bear
Blackfoot researcher, professor emeritus at the University of Lethbridge, founding member of Canada's first Native American Studies Department, former Director of the Harvard University Native American Program and recipient of the National Aboriginal Achievement Award for Education.
April 12 2021 | 11AM - 12:00 PM ET
Q&A 12:00pm -12:30pm ET
TALK ABSTRACT: Every morning we get up and we simply ‘do’ but never question the foundational basis of what we ‘do’ is based on. We simply take for granted that this is the way it is, when all along the foundational basis, in other words, our metaphysics colonize us into a particular pathway of thinking and a particular way of doing things. It is, therefore, important to realize how our metaphysics colours our science and where those metaphysics are taking us. If, for instance, we are planning a STEM program for Indigenous students, we should be cognizant of Indigenous metaphysics.
ABOUT THIS WEBINAR: The Queen’s University Biological Station (QUBS) was awarded four years of funding through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) PromoScience grant. Dr. Littlebear's visit will provide QUBS with guidance regarding how to bring Indigenous ways of knowing and being alongside Western scientific principles in the Ontario Science curriculum. We are grateful for the support provided for this webinar by the Queen’s University Indigenous Teacher Education Program (ITEP).
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