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[ONLINE] Brown Bag Conversations: Discussing Decolonization Series

Wednesday, February 24, 2021
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Virtual - Microsoft Teams
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Disruptive Interviews: Exploring disciplinary barriers to decolonization and Indigenization
Wednesday, February 24, 2021, 12:00 - 1:00pm, Microsoft Teams

Robin Attas (CTL) will share general experiences from the first round of a current research study, the “disruptive interview,” where instructors have an opportunity to explore barriers to decolonization in their own disciplines and deepen their understanding of Indigenous ways of knowing through a medicine walk. Actively recruiting participants for spring 2021!

Series Description:

Faculty, staff, and students are welcome to monthly brown bag lunches to discuss the implications of decolonization for teaching and learning. Facilitators from the CTL will guide discussion, but all participants will contribute to the direction of each meeting and the direction of the program as a whole.

Centre for Teaching and Learning
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