IGnite: Inspiring Generations through Research
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
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Have you ever dreamed about being a marine biologist, aerospace engineer, particle physicist or doing other exciting research? Come and be inspired by the stories of discovery from researchers across diverse fields at Queen’s University. Our guests will give a short 20-minute presentation on their area of study and the real contributions they have made and the impact they’ve had on the world.
Ask any Nobel Prize winner “How did you get interested in *blank*?” and they’ll tell you about some event in their teens that sparked a curiosity inside them that never went away. Eventually, that curiosity becomes a question which leads to more questions, on and on until it’s a question that nobody has an answer to; your unique question and your unique research. IGnite hopes to be that spark and hopes that inspiration will spread through your family and our brilliant Kingston community.
On November 15th, astrophysicist Ken Clark along with medical historian Jacalyn Duffin will tell you about the unanswered questions that set them on their lifelong quest of research. A handful of keen students who have yet to be announced will also give short and sweet snippets of their developing interests. The evening talks begin at 7 and are followed by a reception featuring poster presentations, demos and opportunities to connect with the speakers and others who are doing inspiring research at Queen’s.
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