IDP Speaker Series - War Law & Business
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
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join Fauve Kurnadi & Dr Jonathan Kolieb for
War, Law and Business:
A conversation about corporate responsibility in international humanitarian law and what the business and human rights dialogue is missing
In today’s globalised economy it is common for companies – their personnel, assets, supply chains and customers – to be present in areas of the world affected by armed conflict. No longer are these environments dominated by militaries and armed groups, but also private individuals with their own roles, rights and responsibilities. The business and human rights dialogue has recently shifted some of the focus to the increased risk of business-related human rights abuses in armed conflict, and the need for heighted action on the part of corporate actors in these contexts. However, little attention is paid to the unique and universally-accepted set of rules that apply in situations of armed conflict – international humanitarian law (IHL).
Join us for this conversation about corporate responsibility in conflict settings and learn how current and future leaders – in business, but also in other fields – can use IHL and the innovative guidance tools and educational experiences we have developed to lead in a more ethical and sustainable way.
A Q&A with the audience will follow the presentation, please join us virtually at the event to take part in the conversation.
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