Dr. Llew Mann - Practice-Based Education in Engineering
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science welcomes Dr. Llew Mann to discuss Practice-Based Education as a transformational engineering education framework. Transformational approaches to engineering education are required to better prepare graduates for the complexities of current and future practice. Practice-based education offers a new approach and paradigm for engineering education, one that can both ensure graduates are competent to practice now, but also be prepared for an uncertain future. This talk will present a Practice-based education framework with three elements: (1) the context of an authentic engineering practice, (2) supporting learners’ agency in the process of becoming professionals, and (3) opportunities to work and learn simultaneously. It will make the case for innovative engineering education through the implementation of PBE using the case of the Engineering Practice Academy at Swinburne University of Technology. It will detail innovations in student experience as a process of becoming, curriculum and assessment, and provide advice on the application of PBE elsewhere.
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