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Course Design@Queen's Institute Day 2

Thursday, July 18, 2019
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Robert Sutherland Hall
Room: 202
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In this intensive two-day workshop, participants learn to apply the principles of backward design, constructive alignment and universal design for learning to the development or re-design of one of their courses. Sound pedagogical principles will be introduced to help inform all instructional and assessment decision-making.

Through a variety of individual, large and small group activities, you will be invited to think about your course in novel ways. Primary principles of  course design, assessment and instructional methods will be presented and their applications illustrated before you work to apply those principles to your own course. Small multi-disciplinary groups will collaborate to offer constructive feedback on colleagues’ course plans. The workshop provides the opportunity to learn about course planning and the selection of well-aligned assessment and instructional strategies in a supportive and collegial environment.

Centre for Teaching and Learning
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