Catalyst Webinar - Shengwen Li
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
It’s time to bring gender into global value chain governance
As highlighted in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, addressing gender equality has been identified as an essential avenue to achieve better health outcomes, poverty reduction, and social justice and as a way of gaining competitiveness by multinational corporations. However, gender research is often invisible and neglected in the dominant discourse in management literature and practice.
With increasing awareness of gender equality in the public, MNCs are pressed to improve gender-related performance through various interventions within the global value chain, but it remains a theoretical and empirical question as to the conditions under which interventions are effective. To answer this question, this webinar will focus on examining third-party interventions to explore how they affect female miners living and working in the origins of GVCs, which are often located in extremely vulnerable and fragile states with limited governance structures and severe social issues.
Detail Summary
- Wednesday, March 3 | 12pm to 1pm
- Virtual event via Zoom
- No registration required
Shengwen Li is an interdisciplinary researcher who is passionate about topics such as global value chains, gender equality, and sustainability. She is a third-year Ph.D. candidate in international business at Smith School of Business, Queen’s University.
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