Brockington Lecture, Prof Faye Ginsburg: Indigenous Media and the Archival Imaginary
11:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Professor Faye Ginsburg Brockington Lecture
Friday Jan 10, 11:30AM, Screening Room, Isabel Bader Centre for performing Arts
Please join us for Prof. Faye Ginsburg’s Brockington Lecture:
Indigenous Media and the Archival Imaginary
All welcome
This talk considers archives created by Indigenous media makers who, over the last three decades, have produced an astonishing array of work -- from documentary to feature films to animation to VR, generating and drawing on invaluable film legacies in the process. Indigenous archives are good to think with, provoking us to recognize alternative protocols, resignify settler colonial archives, restore fragile legacies and consider how we might help sustain Indigenous media collections. I will use exemplars that demonstrate these efforts, drawing in particular on my longstanding work with First Nations media makers in Canada and Australia.
Professor Faye Ginsburg is the David B. Kriser Professor of Anthropology at NYU where she is also Director of the Center for Media, Culture and History, Co-Director of the NYU Council for the Study of Disability, and Co-Director of the Center for Religion and Media. Her research focuses on movements for social transformation, from her early work on abortion activists, to her longstanding research on indigenous media, to her current work, with Rayna Rapp, on cultural innovation and learning disabilities.
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