Appreciation and Recognition Creating Awareness (Thrive Week) ONLINE
10:45 AM – 11:45 AM
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Please join us for thrive Week November 4-8. This year's focus is on growth, development and resilience.
Improving psychological health and safety is a process of continual improvement. Everyone needs to be involved. The discussion in this session focuses on preferred approaches to recognizing the good work you do.
It is about developing constructive approaches for recognizing the individual and team accomplishments from day to day. Effective recognition would support each of us to feel good about the work we are doing. Please come prepared to make a positive contribution by thinking about the type of recognition you would appreciate the most. There will be a takeaway participant guide, and the Queen's University Appreciation and Recognition Toolkits, will be shared with you.
The Teams link for this session will be sent out in advance of this session.
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