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Inquiry@Queen’s Session XI: Poster Presentations

Friday, March 11, 2016 from 11:45 am – 1 pm

Queen’s Learning Commons, Stauffer Library

Posters will be on view March 10 and 11.

14. Performance and Propriety: Representations of Madame Vestris as Actress and Theatre Manager in 19th-Century Print Media

  • Presenter: Lorraine Lau, English Language and Literature
  • Faculty Supporters: Dr. Shannon Smith (BISC), Dr. Shelley King (Queen's)

Department of English Literature and Creative Writing, Queen's University

Watson Hall
49 Bader Lane
Kingston ON K7L 3N6

Telephone (613) 533-2153

Queen's University is situated on traditional Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe territory.