EMPR 360: Topics in Workplace Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigeneity



Term: Not offered in the 2024/25 academic year

Course Description: This special topics course focuses on issues central to equity, diversity, inclusion, and indigeneity (EDII) in the workplace. Students will learn about contemporary demographic trends influencing organizations, evidence-based strategies for promoting EDII goals, and the impact equitable and diverse working conditions have on both individual and organizational outcomes. Course content will vary across terms but may cover such topics as structural racism and employment relations, disability, accommodations and human rights, indigenous knowledge, identity, reconciliation and work, and managing identity at work.

NOTE: This course is repeatable for credit under different topic titles.
NOTE: Commerce and Law students should consult their home faculty before registering in this course.

Learning Outcomes: To complete this course students will demonstrate their ability to:

  1. Identify systemic barriers encountered by members of equity-deserving groups in the workplace.
  2. Reflect on the role of personal and social identity in shaping employee experience.
  3. Articulate targeted approaches to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.
  4. Develop an understanding of the complexity of identity.
  5. Apply tools and methods to challenge stereotyping and discrimination.
  6. Propose approaches to benefit inclusion in teams, organizations, and society.

Learning Hours: 120 (36 Lecture, 12 Group Learning, 12 Online Activity, 60 Private Study) 

Grading Scheme: 

Detailed descriptions of each assignment, including the rubrics used for evaluation, are available on the course onQ website under the assignments tab.

Prerequisites: EMPR 260**

**For winter 2024 -  please contact the instructor for permission. 

Exclusions: COMM 354 and COMM 356