EMPR 331: Compensation



Term: Not offered in the 2024-25 academic year

Course Description: Compensating individuals for the work they do is a critical aspect of Human Resource Management. There are many facets involved in the development and deployment of a strategic compensation system. How do we determine how much someone’s labour is worth? How can we justify paying some individuals more than others, particularly when some jobs look the same, on ‘the face of it’? Is money the only thing that motivates, or do other factors contribute to a meaningful work (and personal) life? These are just some of the questions and issues we will discuss over the course and during our time together.

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students should be able to do the following:

  1. Explain why an effective compensation strategy promotes employee and organizational success as well as describe how compensation “fits” into broader organizational and HR strategy;
  2. Outline key components of a compensation strategy and know how to develop a competitive pay structure;
  3. Identify different types of pay, the contexts in which they might be most effective, and the methods used to establish them;
  4. Discuss how different HR functions (e.g., job evaluation, performance management) inform decisions related to compensation;
  5. Determine how to evaluate a compensation system’s effectiveness.

Learning Hours: 120 (36L;84P)

Grading Scheme: 

Detailed descriptions of each assignment, including the rubrics used for evaluation, are available on the course onQ website under the assignments tab.

Team Case Analysis 35%
Article Analysis 30%
Exam 25%
Consultant's Corner 10%

Prerequisites: EMPR 200; EMPR 210; EMPR 230
