Tony Giles speaking to MIR students

On September 14, Tony Giles, retired Assistant Deputy Minister of the Labour Program of Employment and Social Development Canada, and adjunct professor in our MIR program was our guest lecturer for our Winkler Speaker Series in Industrial Relations.  Tony's lecture on Canadian Federal Labour Policy was a captivating and thought-provoking event that left our graduate students with a profound understanding of the intricacies of labour and employment laws and their societal impact. His lecture navigated the complex landscape of government policy, shedding light on its historical evolution, current challenges, and potential future reforms. 

The lecture also provided a valuable platform for our graduate students to engage in a stimulating dialogue with Mr. Giles during the Q&A session. It was an enriching experience that underscored our commitment to providing our students with access to distinguished experts and thought leaders who can empower them with knowledge that extends beyond the classroom.