Messages to our graduates

Congratulations to the newly minted PMIRs - Kim, Steven, Jeff, Mandy, Mary, Brittany, and Olivia! 
I have such fond memories of our time in 202 Sutherland Hall in MIR 850, Spring of 2018 - what a dynamite group you were to teach and learn with. Wonderful engagement, great questions, camaraderie, challenging one another (Mandy and Jeff, in particular!), and learning so much from the rich discussions. I am always grateful for the PMIR teaching experience! My warmest congratulations to you all – I am confident that your organizations will be more humane and innovative places for having you there! ~ Prof. Jacoba Lilius 

Congratulations on the completion of your MIR degree!  As you embark on the next chapter of your personal and professional lives, I wish for you the opportunity to live in as many places and work in as many roles as possible.  I hope that you will take the knowledge you have gained through your graduate studies to make the world of work a happier, healthier, more productive, and more equitable place for all!  We look forward to hearing of your successes and accomplishments and hope that you will look back on your experience in the program with fondness. ~ Prof. Glenda Fisk

Congratulations!  While most days have blended into every other day during the pandemic, graduation gives us a chance to clear the fog and celebrate your great accomplishment. While I am humbled and really impressed with the hard work it took to achieve this milestone, looking forward, I can’t wait to see where your careers take you. Stay in touch! ~ Prof. Rob Hickey 

Congratulations spring graduates! Your hard work now receives the recognition it deserves. I would like to thank the students of my class, which should have been named Ethics in the Time of Pandemic. Your interest, effort and enthusiasm were inspiring.  As Gabriel Garcia Marquez might have said, les deseo buena suerte! ~ Prof. Murray Chitra

Congratulations, 2021 graduates!  You showed perseverance during a very tough academic year.  Wishing you the best in your chosen career! ~ Prof. Shannon Web

Congratulations to the PMIR students graduating this Spring 2021.  Although I didn’t have the pleasure of teaching you, I look forward to meeting all of your at future alumni events.  I wish you the best of luck as you continue your careers and I hope that your degree helps you on the path to achieving all of your career aspirations. ~ Prof. Bradley Weinberg

My heartiest congratulations to you all on achieving your degree. It doesn’t seem so long ago that I worked with each of you on your application to the program. The road to your success has been a wild and winding one, with classes in Kingston, some in Toronto, and finally via Zoom. Your commitment to complete your degree during the trials and tribulations of the last year has been inspiring, and I hope you are as proud of the results, as we are! My best wishes for your continued success, wherever life takes you. Stay in touch and stay safe & healthy! ~ Anne-Marie Bergman

Congratulations!  It has been wonderful meeting you, and I look forward to celebrating with you in person as soon as we are able.  I wish you the very best and hope that you stay in touch! ~ Sarah Bernard

Congratulations on your well-deserved success! I look forward to meeting everyone at an alumni event in the future. ~ Tanya Ligthart