Master’s Research Project (MRP) Guidelines

The Master’s Research Project (MRP) is an optional component of the MIR program. The project, completed under the direction of a faculty supervisor, provides students with the opportunity to pursue independent research in an area of particular interest to them. This may involve an evaluation of a policy-oriented issue, a limited empirical project, a critical analysis of theory, policy or related literature in industrial relations, or research relating to an issue in labour law. The Master’s Research Project typically requires a comprehensive review of the academic literature, original field and/or laboratory studies, data analysis, and write-up. On average, the final research paper will be 50 double-spaced pages (not including references, figures, or appendices).

Please Note: The MRP is a time-intensive undertaking and many students find it far exceeds the 72 instructional and 168 personal learning hours suggested by its six-credit allocation (each 3-credit unit represents 36 instructional and 84 personal learning hours). The final project is expected to reflect a significant contribution to research, theory, and/or practice in the field of IR/HR or labour law. The MRP is ideally suited for students with strong research backgrounds (e.g., those who have written undergraduate honours theses or who have worked as research assistants).

Research Ethics Guidelines

Students whose research involves the study of an organization (e.g., a case study) or individuals (e.g., interviews; survey research) are required to obtain research ethics approval from Unit Research Ethics Board (UREB) and the Queen’s General Research Ethics Board (GREB). The purpose of the review is to ensure that research subjects are fully aware of, and agree to, the use of information or data collected, and to ensure their rights to privacy are respected. Students are responsible for learning about and complying with the university research ethics guidelines. Students should account for the ethics approval process in their timelines. To learn more about the research ethics approval process and timelines, as well as forms and templates visit the Vice-Principal Research Portfolio website.

Role of the Supervisor

The research supervisor plays an important role throughout the research project. Students are encouraged to discuss initial research ideas with more than one faculty person to determine a good choice of supervisor, who will be your first and main person for consultation on your research paper. Your supervisor will determine the standard for quality, workload, and other expectations (e.g., the timeline for completion at each stage of the research project) for the completion of the research paper. Because the research paper is undertaken in fulfillment of the requirements for a credit course, the supervisor assigns the grade in the course. As a result, it is important that the student and the supervisor develop a clear understanding of these expectations early on, and maintain open communication about any adjustments that need to be made.

Candidates and Supervisors should consult the School of Graduate Studies and Research resource page on Graduate Supervision.

Research Paper Completion

When a student has completed all revisions requested by their supervisor, the research paper is evaluated by the supervisor, and then submitted to a second reader for evaluation. The identity of the second reader is confidential and students should not expect to learn the identity of this individual.

Students are usually asked by the second reader to make further changes (substantive and editorial) to their research paper. It is important to note that only after all revisions have been deemed to be satisfactorily dealt with by the second reader and the supervisor will the student be deemed to have successfully completed their research paper requirement for the course. The student is also responsible for providing one electronic copy one paper copy of the final MRP to the MIR program.

Dates and Timelines for Completion of the Research Paper

Arriving at the right place, at the right time, during the MRP research and writing process will require each student to plan a timeline with their supervisor, who will help you in determining reasonable timelines for completion.

Completion of the MRP is dependent on the workloads and schedules of the student, the supervisor and, toward the end of the process, the second reader.  Allowing each party a reasonable amount of time to complete the task required must be part of planning the timeline. 

Establish working guidelines with your supervisor early in the relationship.  Ask questions about such things as expected turnaround time.  Travel, holidays and other personal deadlines should be factored into the timeline.  Faculty research, conference, university administration and public service commitments take place year-round and do not typically diminish during the spring or summer semesters.

While the timeline that the student arrives at must be worked out between the student and their supervisor, and typically depends upon the nature of the research, and time commitments and schedules of all concerned, experience over the years suggests that the following type of timeline should be the objective:

Key Dates Milestones
June 1 A complete draft copy of MIR research paper available for review by the supervisor. The supervisor provides further comments and the student undertakes further revisions
July 15 Research paper approved by supervisor
July 31 Second reader receives research paper for review
Aug. 15 Comments and requested revisions provided by second reader
Aug. 15-31 Student works to successfully address comments from second reader. The supervisor reviews all revisions and corrections and accepts them as having been satisfactorily completed (or requests additional revisions)
Aug. 31 Student submits final research paper to MIR program
Sept. 1-7 Program completion status reviewed and prepared

By August, students who find themselves behind in the timeline for completion of the research essay will simply not be in a position to complete this program requirement in time for Fall convocation. A new class of MIR students will be in the School in September as the program begins anew. As Fall teaching begins, faculty involved as Supervisors and Second Readers, and staff in the MIR program, all take on new commitments – so your timeline for the timely completion of the project should fit within the one-year duration of the MIR program. The School of Graduate Studies requires that program completion be achieved by September in order to be eligible for Fall convocation.

If you have not met the deadline for completion, you must remain registered in the School of Graduate Studies. You will be assessed student fees for the new Fall term. Should you complete prior to the end of the term, the fees may be prorated.