MIR Student Executive

The MIR Student Executive are the official representatives of the full-time graduate students in the department. The student representatives help develop links between the faculty, students, and the Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) to ensure that the MIR student voice is heard throughout the course of the year. These representatives also help to build engagement, inclusion, and high-quality relationships among MIR students, and between students, faculty, and staff. 

Meet the 2023/24 Executive Team

Emma Cameron

Faculty/Program Liaison Representative

Contact Emma

Camilla Zienkiewicz

Faculty/Program Liaison Representative

Contact Camilla

Teah Florio

Recruitment Representative

Contact Teah

Adrian Yip

Recruitment Representative

Contact Adrian

Daekwon Blair

Society for Professional and Graduate Students (SGPS) Representative

Contact Daekwon

Chloe Valiquette

EDII Representative

Contact Chloe

Helen Qin

International Student Representative

Contact Helen

Weiping Ka

International Student Representative

Contact Weiping

Emily Heathcote

Social Convenor

Contact Emily

Jasdeep Rahal

Social Convenor

Contact Jasdeep

Ryan Cheng

PSAC 901 Union Representative

Contact Ryan

Colleen Dunn

Student Class Survey Representative

Contact Colleen