Sheila McLean is Professor Emerita of Law and Ethics in Medicine in the School of Law at the University of Glasgow. After completing her PhD there in 1987, she was appointed the first International Bar Association Professor of Law and Ethics in Medicine in 1990. Her research examines reproductive ethics and genetic engineering, consent, and assisted dying. She is the author of numerous academic articles and books, including Modern Dilemmas: Choosing Children (2006), Assisted Dying: Reflections on the Need for Law Reform (2007), and Autonomy, Consent and the Law (2010). She has served as the UK Adviser to the European branch of the World Health Organization on the revision of its Health for All policy, as a member of the UNESCO Biomedical Ethics Committee, and as Specialist Adviser to the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee. She has also participated in the review of several UK laws relating to reproductive technologies. McLean was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire in 2020.

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