The poster for Jeffares’ talk.

Norman Jeffares was one of the twentieth century’s most distinguished scholars of the poet W. B. Yeats. After Yeats’ death, Jeffares was given access to his personal papers and library, which enabled him to study the author’s personal history. This early research contributed to his first book, W.B. Yeats: Man and Poet, which was published in 1948. In 1946, Jeffares began teaching at the University of Groningen, later moving to the University of Edinburgh as a lecturer in English by 1950. He was a prolific publisher with over three hundred publications to his name, including articles, books, and book series. In 1957, he moved to Leeds University, where as chair he expanded the School of English significantly, introducing new chairs, new courses, new lectures and seminars, and new degree specializations. In 1974, he left Leeds to take up a chair at the University of Stirling. Even after his retirement in the mid-1980s, Jeffares continued to be a prolific writer, publishing more on Yeats, as well as his own poetry and new editions of classic British and Irish writers’ works.

Jeffares’ lecture was held on February 26.