Marc Epprecht
PhD (History), Dalhousie University
Mackintosh-Corry Hall, B414
Queen's University
Global Development Studies
Curriculum Vitae (PDF 488 KB)
Social history in southern Africa, especially the colonial era; gender and sexuality more broadly, especially cultural constructions of non-normative sexualities (lgbti, msm, wsw, etc) and contestations around masculinities; HIV/AIDS; environment and health, especially in urban contexts in South Africa; contestations over development throughout Africa but especially Zimbabwe, Lesotho, South Africa, and KwaZulu-Natal; pedagogy for development (e.g., methods and ethics of work-study abroad programs); the politics of public history.
These are the topics of some of the student projects I’ve supervised over the last 10 years or so, from post-doctoral to honours thesis. It’s a wide range from gender and sexuality to development practice to identity and other politics to environmental issues – the common theme is my primary interest in working towards a better understanding of Africa among Canadians and to support the training of talented African students.
- LGBTQ and social media in Africa
- Black economic empowerment in South Africa
- African Pentecostal Immigrants in Toronto: Aspirations and Identities
- The Formation of the Zambian State
- The impact of COVID-19 on South African environmental charity responses to the climate crisis
- Degrowth charities’ perceptions of the future for women in South Africa
- Gender-based violence in Ghana
- #Fallist Movement in South Africa
- How activists resist political homophobias in East Africa (Uganda and Rwanda)
- ‘Green Growth’ and Chinese Investment Experiences in Kenya
- Sexuality Education in Cape Town High Schools
- Narratives Surrounding Heterosexual Transmission of HIV/AIDS in Botswana
- South African women in the anti-apartheid struggle
- Funerals and HIV/AIDS stigma in South Africa
- AIDS denialism in South Africa
- Lesbian activism in South Africa
- Intersections of Post-development theory with NGO discourse
- Voluntourism
- Women’s Movement in Zimbabwe
- Street-connected children in Mombasa
- Sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Ghana
- HIV-Tuberculosis Co-infection, South Africa
- Neoliberalism and Ecosystemic Change among Tonga Farmers in Southern Zambia
- Livelihood Strategies among Dockworkers in Durban, 1900-1951
- Gender, Politics and Social Medicine in South Africa, 1940-1959
- Empowering sexual minority groups in Uganda through a green, de-growth perspective
- Race and Municipal Water Planning in Pietermaritzburg from 1900 to 1968
Cross Appointed to the Department of History, Cultural Studies, and the School of Environmental Studies
- Iain Edwards and Marc Epprecht. 2020. Working class homosexuality in South Africa. Voices from the archive. Pretoria and Cape Town: HSRC Press, Boulder: Lynne Reinner
- Transition Discourses in Southern Africa: emerging scholarship, Canadian Journal of African Studies (2020)
- Allison Goebel and Marc Epprecht, “Decolonizing an African Art Collection in Canada? Reflections on the exhibition “Stories to Tell: Africans and the Diaspora Respond to the Lang Collection” 2016-2018,” Canadian Journal of African Studies DOI:
- Associate editor (Africa), for Howard Chiang (ed). Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History. Farmington Hills: Charles Scribner (2019)
- Editor: Forum on Boy Wives, Female Husbands Twenty Years On: Reflections of scholarly activism and the struggle for human and sexual rights Canadian Journal of African Studies 52/3 (2018): 349-64
- Envisioning environmental justice in a secondary South African city, in Jane Carruthers, Nancy Jacobs, Graeme Wynn (eds). Environment, Power, and Justice in South African History Athens OH: Ohio University Press, Ecology and History series (forthcoming)
- Sexualities in Africa, In Oxford Bibliographies Online (obo in African Studies). Paul Zeleza (ed). New York: Oxford University Press (2020). doi: 10.1093/obo/9780199846733-0215
- Sexuality, Secrecy, and Local Government in Early Twentieth-Century Edendale, South Africa: Notches Blog (2017)
- Welcome to Greater Edendale: Environment, Health, and the History of Development in an African City (MQUP, Nov. 2016)
- Michael Bailey, Paul Vasey, Lisa Diamond, Marc Breedlove, Eric Vilain, Marc Epprecht, “Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science,” Psychological Science in the Public Interest Vol. 17, 2(2016): 45–101 DOI: 10.1177/1529100616637616
- Sexuality and Social Justice in Africa, rethinking homophobia and forging resistance. London: Zed Books (2013)
- S. Nyeck and Marc Epprecht (eds) Sexual Diversity in Africa: Politics, Theory and Citizenship. Montréal: McGill-Queen's University Press (in press for Fall 2013)
- Kathryn Fizzell and M. Epprecht, 'Secondary School Experiential Learning Programs in the Global South: Critical reflections from an Ontario study,' in R. Tiessen and R. Huish (eds), When the World is Your Classroom. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (in press)
- Rebecca Tiessen and M. Epprecht (eds), Ethical Issues in Learning/Volunteer Abroad, Special issue of Journal of Global Citizenship and Equity Education2 (Spring 2012)
- Marc Epprecht and Charles Gueboguo (eds), New Perspectives on Sexualities in Africa - Special Issue of Canadian Journal of African Studies/Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines, Spring 2009 43/1
- Heterosexual Africa?: The History of an Idea from the Age of Exploration to the Age of AIDS. Athens OH: Ohio University Press, Scottsville: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press 2008
- Unspoken Facts: A History of Homosexualities in Africa (Editor and principal author). (Harare: GALZ and Ann Arbor: Africa Books Collective, 2008)
- Hungochani: The history of a dissident sexuality in southern Africa (McGill-Queen's U. Press, 2004, 2006)
- 'This matter of women is getting very bad': Gender, development and politics in colonial Lesotho, 1870-1965. (Pietermaritzburg: U of Natal Press 2000)
- Marc Epprecht and Sule E. Egya, Teaching about homosexualities in rural Nigeria: a trial run, Gender and Education 23/4: 367-384
- Advancing the right to sexual orientation and 'erotic justice' in Africa through public health strategies, African Affairs 111/443, 223-243 (April 2012)
- Sexuality, History, Africa, American Historical Review 116 (Dec. 2009): 1258-72
- The Marquis de Sade's Zimbabwe Adventure: A Contribution to the Critique of 'African AIDS' Sexualities 10/2 (2007): 241-258