Devon Ostrom

Devon Ostrom

PhD Student

Cultural Studies

People Directory Affiliation Category

Devon is a culture worker with two decades of experience in creating projects that bridge sectors, cities and neighbourhoods. Involving assemblages of organisations, collaborations include a mural and research project in Kingston Penitentiary, Arrivals Canada, the and creating a levy on outdoor advertising that has raised over $100m for art in Toronto, Canada. Greatest hits also include organising the first major exhibitions of Street Art at both the ROM and AGO. Devon holds a Masters of Public Administration from the London School of Economics with Merit and an MA in Creative Curating from Goldsmiths College. Certificates include Non-profit and HR Management from TMU and Fine Arts from OCAD. Devon has also taught Cultural Policy at UofT and Humber. Volunteer work includes materials and market research with Makermask and the Energy and Aerosols Lab at UBC.  Currently, Devon works as a producer with the Provocation Ideas Festival and a co-founder of Research Interests / Tags: Sensory and physical access to connective / art spaces. Public art. Creative access. Upstream public health. Community-run sensor networks. Regulatory economics. Trails and parks.