Francisco Zepeda Trujillo
PhD Student
Cultural Studies
Francisco's interest in Philosophy and Religion started when he was 17 years old. One of his professors was a Chilean, socialist, atheist, who went to Mexico after Pinochet overthrew Allende. Frequently, the debates they had in his classes were related to religious topics, specifically Christianity, its impact on society, and Christians' coherence or incongruity. He studied Classical Humanities, Philosophy, Sociology of Religion and Catholic Theology in Spain, Rome, Mexico and Oxford. In the meantime, he discovered his love for education, which he considers a means to contribute to his students' personal and professional flourishing. Besides, he graduated from an MBA at Texas Tech University and has worked in the business sector, specifically in marketing and real estate, for more than 12 years. He recently completed the M.A. in Religious Studies at Queen's University and currently is a Ph.D. student in Cultural Studies. His research interests focus on culture, secularism, religion, democracy, social problems, and religion's impact in the public sphere. In particular, he is interested in exploring the role of religious and secular imaginaries in Mexico's modernization from the 1917 revolution to the present day.