
Tool Overview:

Host meetings quickly, easily, and reliably on any platform

Pedagogical Uses: Online Learning
Queen's Security Assessment completed: Yes
Similar To: Teams


  • Available to everyone at Queen's; Integrated with Microsoft Authentication, Panopto, and onQ


  • Can conflict with an existing Zoom account

This tool is available to: Available to Queen's

How to get access: Zoom Access

This tool can be integrated with: LMS Integration

Gradebook Integration: N/A
Gradebook can be exported: N/A
Classlist full integration with onQ: N/A
Class roster and groups need to be udpated manually if onQ changes: N/A

To view accessibility information, see: Zoom Accessibility

Support available through: Queen's Support

Zoom onQ Support for Instructors: Zoom | onQ Support (queensu.ca)

To view the tool's privacy policy, see: Zoom Privacy