
Tool Overview:

Piazza is a wiki-based discussion platform that fosters collaboration by allows students to ask questions and respond to their peers. 

Pedagogical Uses: Peer Learning
Queen's Security Assessment completed: No
Similar To: Discussion Forums, Wikis


  • Simulates the fast pace and efficiency of face-to-face communication, enabling real-time assistance to students while they are studying outside of office hours
  • Great for exam prep
  • Supports LaTeX
  • Supports embedded images
  • Automatically displays code syntax highlighting; can compile and run code snippets in published posts
  • Validates importance of peer collaboration in problem-solving


  • Most appropriate for assignments with verifiable solutions; Not intended for personal reflection or essay-format discussions with multiple points of view and no clear solution
  • No grading functionality
  • Paid subscription is required to be able to use polls, access course statistics, and lock the class during exams

This tool is available to: Free/Subscription Required

This tool can be integrated with: Embed Code

Gradebook Integration: N/A
Gradebook can be exported: N/A
Classlist full integration with onQ: N/A
Class roster and groups need to be udpated manually if onQ changes: N/A

To view accessibility information, see: Piazza Accessibility

Support available through: Vendor Support

To view the tool's privacy policy, see: Piazza Privacy Policy