
Tool Overview:

Figma is an online collaborative tool used for prototyping and interactive whiteboards. 

Queen's Security Assessment completed: Yes
Similar To: Miro
MS Whiteboard


  • Free for educators (students and instructors)
  • Browser-based; can be accessed on any platform
  • Intuitive
  • Large library of templates
  • Students can access whiteboards without the need to sign in (anonymous)
  • Music and timer options available
  • Voting available within the whiteboard


  • Currently does not meet AODA accessibility standards
  • Anonymous student access only available for 24 hours. Students would need to create an account if the activity should be available for a longer period
  • No onQ integration at the time of writing (no automated grading possible)

This tool is available to: Free for Educators

This tool can be integrated with: No Integration

Gradebook Integration: No

Gradebook can be exported: N/A

Classlist full integration with onQ: No

Class roster and groups need to be updated manually if onQ changes: N/A

To view accessibility information, see: Figma Accessibility

Support available through: Vendor Support

To view the tool's privacy policy, see: Figma Privacy