Stéphanie Chouinard
Associate Professor
Political Studies
Queen's University and Royal Military College (RMC)
Stéphanie Chouinard is Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Sciences at Royal Military College (Kingston). She earned her Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Ottawa, for which she was awarded a Vanier Scholarship and a fellowship from the Baxter & Alma Ricard foundation. She was selected as a 2021 Scholar for the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation.
Stéphanie's research interests focus on the relationship between courts and minorities in democratic systems, and particularly the Supreme Court of Canada's impact on the evolution of official-language rights and Aboriginal self-determination rights. She is also interested in territorial and non-territorial autonomy arrangements for linguistic minorities in the world. She has published in Ethnopolitics, the Language Rights Review, Language Minorities and Society, and the International Journal of Canadian Studies, among others.
Selected publications:
Chouinard, Stéphanie and Emmanuelle Richez, 2022, « The Tension between Freedom of Expression and Language Rights in Canada : The Ford and Devine Legacy after Thirty Years”, in Emmett Macfarlane (ed.), Dilemmas of Free Expression, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 203-221.
Chouinard, Stéphanie, 2021, “The Principle of Minority Protection and Language Rights in Canada: The Secession Reference’s Legacy”, Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law, vol. 15, 181-209.
Chouinard, Stéphanie and Kelly Gordon, 2021, « De l’hostilité ouverte au ‘gros bon sens’ : populisme de droite et antibilinguisme au Nouveau-Brunswick, 1980-2020 », in Frédéric Boily (ed), Les droites provinciales en évolution, 2015-2020 : Conservatisme, populisme et radicalisme, Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval, 67-82.
Chouinard, Stéphanie, and Martin Normand, 2020, “Talk COVID to Me: Language Rights and the Government Responses to the Pandemic”, Canadian Journal of Political Science (special COVID-19 edition).
Chouinard, Stéphanie, 2020, « L’étude des petites nations par la lunette juridique: un exercice périlleux », in Joseph Yvon Thériault and Jean-François Laniel (eds.), Petites nations. Culture, politique et universalité, Paris : Classiques Garnier, 163-176.
Chouinard, Stéphanie, 2020, “Reconciling Diversities: Bilingualism and Multiculturalism in the Canadian Armed Forces”, in Rupinder Mangat, Bessma Momani and Allistair Edgar (eds.), Strengthening the Canadian Forces Through Diversity, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 101-113.
Chouinard, Stéphanie, 2017, "Section 23 of the Charter and official-language minority instruction in Canada: The judiciary’s impact and limits in education policymaking", in : Emmett Macfarlane (ed.), The Policy Impact of the Supreme Court of Canada (forthcoming).
Chouinard, Stéphanie, 2017, "Les tribunaux, lieu de pouvoir contre-majoritaire? Les minorités face au droit", in : Karim Benyekhlef, Catherine Régis, and Daniel Weinstock (eds.), Sauvons la justice, Montréal : Del Busso (forthcoming).
Chouinard, Stéphanie, 2016, “Stateless Nations in a World of Nation States”, in: Karl Cordell and Stefan Wolff (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Ethnic Conflict, 2nd ed., London: Routledge, pp. 54-66.
Chouinard, Stéphanie, 2016, “Quand le droit parle de sciences sociales: l’introduction de la complétude institutionnelle dans le droit linguistique canadien”, Language Rights Review, vol. 3, pp. 60-93.
Chouinard, Stéphanie, 2014, “The Rise of Non-Territorial Autonomy in Canada: Towards a Doctrine of Institutional Completeness in the Domain of Minority Language Rights”, Ethnopolitics, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 141-158.