Quinn Albaugh
Assistant Professor
Political Studies
Queen's University
Quinn Albaugh (PhD Princeton) is an Assistant Professor of Political Studies at Queen’s University. Broadly speaking, her research focuses on parties, elections, and representation in Canadian democracy, usually through the lens of gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, and class inequalities. Her research draws on both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Quinn is currently working on a book project entitled Gatekeeping: How and Why Party Organizations Improve the Representation of Marginalized Groups. This research draws on 20 months of field and historical research in New Brunswick, including participant-observation of party nominating conventions, interviews with party insiders and candidates, archival research, survey data, and original quantitative datasets.
In addition, she is working on three major ongoing research agendas on LGBTQ politics.
Current Projects
With Elizabeth Baisley
This research agenda includes research on barriers within parties to nominating LGBTQ candidates and voters’ reactions to LGBTQ candidates and party leaders.
With Julie Moreau and Michael Donnelly, University of Toronto
This research agenda examines the causes and consequences of “linked fate” (the feeling that what happens to one’s group will affect one’s life) for LGBTQ people. It includes research on the extent to which LGBTQ people see their fates as linked to narrower subgroups (such as gay men or transgender people) in comparison with the broader LGBTQ coalition.
This research has received funding from a SSHRC Insight Development Grant.
This research agenda focuses on improving gender questions in survey research and using more inclusive survey measures to demonstrate the importance of trans and non-binary identities for understanding political behaviour.