LATN 222: Introductory Latin Verse

LATN 222

LATN 222

Type: 200 level
Units: 3.00
Term: Fall 2024
Instructor:  Dr. Kavanagh
Delivery: In-Person

Review of Latin grammar combined with the study of selected passages of Latin verse, usually drawn from epic, lyric, elegy, and drama, read in the original Latin. The passages will also be analyzed for their cultural, linguistic, literary, and historical significance.

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Recognize the fundamentals of complex grammar.
  2. Progress from translating simple to more complex sentences.
  3. Read, comprehend, and discuss ancient texts.
  4. Understand the diversity of authors and genres, which are part of a multicultural and cross-culturally interactive ancient world.
  5. Locate and recognize the importance of the chief dictionaries and grammatical commentaries for purpose of inquiry.
  6. Working alone or in a group, translate texts not before studied at sight.
  7. Working alone or in a group, develop critical analyses of key issues or problems, and/or to devise creative solutions for translation and understanding of texts.