CLAS 822: Greek Archaeology I

CLAS 822


CLAS 822

Type: 800 level
Units: 3.00
Term: Winter 2025
Instructor: Dr. Skaltsa
Delivery: In-Person

What kind of changes did the Greek cities undergo from the rise of the Greek polis to the Roman Empire? This seminar will examine the principles of Greek architecture. Emphasis will be placed on urbanism, structure and design, drawing on numerous cases of sacred, civic, domestic and funerary monuments from Mainland Greece (e.g. Athens, Messene, Aigai), the Aegean (e.g. Rhodes, Delos, Samothrace) and the Greek East. (e.g. Pergamon, Ephesos). Over nearly a millennium (from about the 8th c. BC down to the 2nd c. AD), architectural and urban developments dramatically reshaped the built space of the polis, usually in response to political, social or cultural practices and transformations. Using archaeological, epigraphic and other textual evidence, we will examine how architecture and urban planning defined the built environment, and in doing so, fostered social bonds and shaped identities.