What is Classics and Archaeology?

Classics refers to the study of the Greek and Roman worlds. Multi-disciplinary in approach, it involves the studies of history, literature, archaeology, religion, mythology, drama and philosophy, in addition to the ancient languages of Greek and Latin. Archaeology is the study of ancient (and more recent) societies through the remains of their material culture. The methods of archaeology are many (excavation, remote sensing, surface survey, imaging, chemical and physical analysis to name a few) and can be applied to any area and period. The study of the physical remains of the Greek and Roman cultures and of the many other cultures that interacted with them is called Classical Archaeology.

Today our understanding of Greek and Roman culture is further enhanced by the latest digital techniques that increasingly pervade studies in archaeology, epigraphy, papyrology, and ancient science and medicine.  At Queen’s, students have the opportunity to get hands-on experience in the latest techniques by participating in one of two archaeological excavations supervised by our own faculty, or through a variety of projects and assignments.  

It can be said that studying Classics can lead to a wider appreciation of human values and achievements, and a more objective understanding of ourselves and our times.  Our undergraduates have gone on to a variety of occupations and have been accepted into graduate programs nationally and internationally.

Feel free to contact any of our faculty (see our Faculty page for our experts listings), or come visit us in the department with questions you have about our courses and programs.


 ACCEPTING applications for graduate studies in Classics and Archaeology for 2023-2024   

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GREK 112 Event!

Professor Carbon has organized a Sentence Performance with his students from Introductory Greek!

Come and encourage the first-year Greek students in their progress! Poster

Date: Friday, November 29th
Time: 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Location: Watson Hall, RM 517

We hope to see you there!



Faculty News

Dr. Fabio Colivicchi will be giving a talk for the University of Toronto Mississauga's 2024-25 Annual Classics Seminar Series!

Topic: The Gift of Clepsina: A Water Feature at Caere and the Formation of Roman Etruria

To register for the Zoom link, please click HERE!

Date: Friday, November 22, 2024
Time: 3:00 - 6:00
Location: Via Zoom


Student Event!

The CAGC will host Study Night to help set up our Undergraduates for a successful exam season!

Graduate students will be there to answer questions about how best to study, receive feedback on essays and clarify concepts you're struggling with! There will be three rooms open for questions! Go to room 522 for directions!

Hope to see you there!!😎🎓 

Date: Friday, November 29th, 2024
Time: 4:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Location: Watson Hall
Room: 522

Anna Smythe

Student Spotlight

Spotlight on Anna Smythe, a new addition to our Graduate Masters program this year! Anna has published two papers, to read more about them, click HERE!


Classics and Archaeology Presents...

The Colloquium Speaker Series is an ongoing series of talks by Professors from other universities discussing their areas of specialization.

Classics and Archaeology Presents... 
Dr. Delphine Tonglet, on Wednesday, November 27th, at 2:30 pm in Watson Hall, room 517!

We hope to see you there!


Student Spotlight

Spotlight on Pungavi Linghan who recently joined our Graduate Masters program! Pungavi did an interview with the CFRC as she was a winning presenter at the Inquiry@Queen's Undergraduate Research Conference 2023. To Listen to the Podcast, click HERE!