University Animal Care Committee Standard Operating Procedure
Document No: 7.5.4
Subject: Humane Killing of Rodents via Physical Methods (Mice)
Date Issued: August 21, 2012
Revision: 3
Location: Queen’s University
Responsibility: Principal Investigators (PI), Research Staff, Veterinary Staff
Purpose: The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to describe approved techniques for the humane killing of rodents using physical methods.
1. Introduction and Definitions:
Physical methods must only be used by highly competent individuals. As per the CCAC, some of these methods for killing experimental animals may be acceptable for use in certain circumstances where there is scientific justification, following review and approval by the UACC and assurance that trained personnel are available. These are not considered ‘acceptable methods’ because there is greater potential for operator error or safety hazards; they might not consistently produce humane death, or they are not well documented in the scientific literature. When conditionally acceptable methods (physical methods) that have been approved by the UACC are used, the conditions of use and training of the personnel involved should be clearly stated in the protocol.
Animal Care Services ACS, Principal Investigator PI, subcutaneous SC, intravenous IV, intraperitoneal IP, intramuscular IM, per os PO, per rectum PR
2. Materials:
- A clean blunt object such as a cage card holder, scalpel handle, scissors, etc.
- Commercial cervical dislocator/luxator
- Guillotine
- Plastic cones (decapicones)
- Decapitation scissors
- Various sizes of sterile syringes and needles
- Anesthetics as required
- Body bags
3. Procedures:
**Unless described in the animal use protocol and approved by the UACC, all physical methods of humane killing must be performed under anaesthesia following the appropriate anaesthesia SOP (7.6 Anesthesia in Mice). The UACC requires that a Primary (rendering death) and Secondary (confirmation of death) method of human killing be described on all animal use protocols (unless justified and approved). **
All personnel involved in the humane killing of laboratory animals must be trained in the procedures listed on the protocol, and in the proper and safe use of the equipment.
Cervical Dislocation:
- Position a cage card holder (or rod, scalpel handle, scissor blade, etc.) at the base of the occipital bone, angled cranially ~45°. With the other hand, grasp the base of the tail and elevate the animal’s body at a similar angle to the device. The user must then push forward and down with the cage card holder, while pulling back on the base of the tail. A commercial device may also be used.
- Alternatively, position the thumb and index finger on either side of the neck at the base of the skull (behind the occipital bone). With the other hand, holding the base of the tail, quickly and solidly pull causing separation of the cervical vertebrae from the skull.

- Training for this technique is required to ensure that dislocation is cervical and not lower in the vertebral column. The effectiveness of dislocation should be verified by feeling for a separation of cervical tissues. When the spinal cord is severed, an approximate 5mm space will be palpable between the occipital condyles and the first cervical vertebra. If adequate separation is not observed, a backup method, such as decapitation, bilateral pneumothorax, or a heart snip/removal should be used immediately.
- Decapitation is often used when chemical methods may interfere with research results. When decapitation is used, the blades should be kept very sharp and guillotines should be well maintained and cleaned between uses to prevent transmission of olfactory clues.
- Guillotines that are designed to accomplish decapitation in adult rodents in a uniformly instantaneous manner are commercially available.
- The use of plastic decapicones to restrain animals is strongly recommended as it reduces stress from handling, minimizes the chance of injury to personnel, and improves positioning of the animal in the guillotine.
- The equipment used to perform decapitation should be maintained in good working order and serviced at least annually to ensure sharpness of blades.
- Decapitation of adult mice by scissors may be approved in an Animal Use Protocol, however sharp surgical scissors or decapitation scissors are mandatory. Anesthesia is also a requirement and must be described in the AUP.
- Animals may be exsanguinated to harvest large volumes of blood, but only when deeply anesthetized (surgical plane).
- Anesthetize animal according to SOP 7.6 Anesthesia in Mice.
- Collect blood from the heart via cardiac puncture technique. (refer to SOP 7.10.5 Cardiac Blood Collection)
- To confirm death, monitor animal for the following signs: no rising and falling of chest, no palpable heartbeat, poor mucous membrane color, no response to toe pinch, color change in eyes.
- A physical secondary method of humane killing, such as cervical dislocation or bilateral pneumothorax, is required immediately afterwards to confirm death.
Cardiac Perfusion:
- Described in a stand-alone SOP (7.15).
Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, Volume 45, Number 1, January 2006, pp. 98-105(8) James Artwohl, Patricia Brown, Brian Corning and Susan Stein Report of the ACLAM Task Force on Rodent Euthanasia
Date | New Version |
02/28/2019 | Triennial Review |
02/28/2022 | Triennial Review |
07/22/2024 | Triennial Review – Layout update, removed neonate euthanasia, changed wording (humane killing) |