Admin SOP 1.2 - Communication

University Animal Care Committee Standard Operating Procedure

Document No: UACC 1.2

Subject: Communication

Date Issued: September 27, 2023

Revision: Original

Location: Queen’s University

Purpose: The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to describe the procedures for communication.


1. Introduction and Definitions:

In the interest of enhancing open communication between the UACC and the animal users within the research and teaching community, it is important to foster collaboration between and among the UACC, PIs, research teams, and organizational representatives. This applies not only to communication related to a specific animal use protocol, but also to communication related to UACC processes, CCAC and OMAFRA guidelines and policies and ethical issues.



  • University Animal Care Committee UACC
  • Standard Operating Procedure SOP
  • Animal Use Protocol AUP
  • Principal Investigator PI
  • Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs OMAFRA
  • Canadian Council on Animal Care CCAC

2. Procedures:

AUP Related Communications

All researchers listed as key associates on an animal use protocol shall be informed in writing, of all determinations made by the UACC regarding specific protocol related actions. Feedback from researchers should be encouraged and should be considered as an opportunity to review and to improve the function of the UACC.

To facilitate clear and accurate communication with researchers, the UACC will follow standardized notification procedures and templates via the electronic protocol management system Topaz Elements. Communication will be sent by email.

Notification of UACC Decisions

The UACC will notify the PI and their designated key associates of the UACC decision in a timely manner, following any review (i.e., Preliminary review, Subcommittee review and UACC meeting review).

The outcome of the UACC will be summarized noting any concerns or requests for clarification including recommended changes and clarifying the reasons for the return for modification (when appropriate).

If the AUP does not receive initial approval the UACC Coordinator will provide formal written notification to the PI of the decision as soon as possible following the UACC meeting.

Upon receipt of any PI response to the UACC review, the UACC will follow-up with the PI and/or their designated key associates to request any additional clarifications as needed, or as requested by the UACC reviewers.

Once all UACC conditions are satisfied, the UACC will issue an approval email via the electronic protocol management system Topaz Elements.

Chair signed memos of approval will be granted upon request.

General Bulletin Communications

As a means to ensure strong communication and transparency between the UACC and the research and teaching community, bulletins will be circulated to provide updates on internal policy and processes two or more times per year. This will include but not be limited to the following content:

  • UACC Announcements
  • UACC Policies (New & Revised)
  • UACC SOPs (New & Revised)
  • CCAC Announcements
  • CACC Guidelines & Policies

Date New Version
09/27/2023 Created and Approved


Admin SOP 1.2 - Communication

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