University Animal Care Committee Standard Operating Procedure
Document No: UACC 1.03
Subject: Confidentiality
Date Issued: September 27, 2023
Revision: Original
Location: Queen’s University
Purpose: The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to describe the procedures surrounding UACC confidentiality.
1. Introduction and Definitions:
Confidentiality refers to the duty to protect privileged information and to share entrusted information responsibly as a person's opinion, decisions, and personal information should be treated with respect.
All UACC members must respect the confidentiality of UACC matters and the privacy of the proposed work and intellectual property that they are reviewing.
- University Animal Care Committee UACC
- Principal Investigator PI
- Animal Use Protocol AUP
2. Procedures:
All materials submitted for review by the UACC are received in confidence and UACC members are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of such materials. These materials must not be shown to or discussed with individuals outside of the review process nor can the knowledge or information contained in the materials be used for purposes other than review by the UACC. UACC members may not copy, archive (or otherwise save in any electronic format), circulate, quote or otherwise use material distributed to them for review.
Under no circumstances will individual UACC members advise researchers, their organizations or anyone else of recommendations or proceedings of UACC reviews. Any such communication shall be made only by the UACC Coordinator on behalf of the entire UACC.
UACC member comments will not be disclosed to persons other than UACC members, except those extracts of such comments, without the member’s name and without the affiliation of the reviewer(s), will be sent to the corresponding PI and archived in the electronic protocol management system.
Ad hoc reviewers, who are asked to peer-review an application for scientific merit, or provide expertise upon request of the UACC, are subject to this confidentiality policy.
All active members on the UACC will complete the member agreement upon initiation of their term appointment and annually thereafter. As per the UACC Policy on Confidentiality.
The UACC Interpretation of the Term "Confidential":
"Confidential" can best be equated to "restricted” as protocol information is not for general distribution and there are restrictions on the public use of the material however this information may be distributed and discussed among the members of the UACC prior to and following approval.
"Confidential" should not be interpreted to mean that the protocol cannot be discussed with regulatory boards (CCAC and OMAFRA); institutional senior administration or other institutional affiliated offices as deemed appropriate by the Office of the University Veterinarian and the University Animal Care Committee.
Date | New Version |
09/27/2023 | Created and Approved |