Policy on Taking and Sharing Images of Animals in Science

University Animal Care Committee (UACC)

The following policy aims to ensure that ethical standards are maintained and the risk of unwanted distribution and publication of images of people, animals and confidential information is avoided. It applies to the photography, filming and recording by any method or device of all animal use in science (as outlined on an approved animal use protocol (AUP)). This includes animals in housing, laboratory, or field settings on Queen’s University property or by Queen’s University personnel (at another institution or off-site field location). For the purposes of this policy the term “image” includes but is not limited to photography, filming, video/audio recording and the use of virtual meetings. This policy does not apply to images required for the purposes of data collection and dissemination as authorized on an approved AUP and images of animals for public relations purposes, or any other public activity organized by Queen’s University that does not fall under the auspices of the Animal Care & Use Program at Queen’s University.

The UACC recognizes that the use of images can provide valuable information that facilitates learning and the delivery of information. However, images of animals in science in any of their potential settings may inadvertently result in privacy or security risks to those working with animals, to wild animals or habitat, and to the facilities housing these animals. Further, the reputation of the University and the Animal Care & Use Program may be negatively impacted if images are published out of context or in such a way that implies inconsistency with policy.

The widespread use of mobile devices equipped with photographic and recording capabilities facilitates almost anyone with access to animal areas to capture and store images of animals involved in research and teaching. This policy specifies the conditions related to obtaining and sharing images of animals in science.

Everyone involved in the use of animals in science must be made aware of and follow the guidance outlined in this policy. This includes visitors (for separate guidance regarding visitors please refer to the UACC Policy on Visitors within Animal Use Facilities) of restricted areas where animals are studied, held or housed.

  • Sharing any images of research or teaching animals for personal use is strictly prohibited (e.g.: to an individual, to a social media outlet or other public stage). The sharing of images with a malicious intent is a punishable offence.
  • For images intended for publication in large-scale media for the public such as newspapers, newscasts or documentaries, the individual must seek written pre-approval from the University Veterinarian who may consult with appropriate Queen’s University media relations. Images must be reviewed prior to sharing to prevent inadvertent identification of people, animals, and locations as well as keeping confidential unpublished research information. For any image that will become public, the individual is required to ensure that all animal-related Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), best practices and appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) are followed.

Agencies, governments and other outside organizations that request images of animals, must obtain written approval by the University Veterinarian who may consult with Queen’s University media relations before images are taken.

  • Every effort must always be made to show appropriate and accurate context when taking and sharing images of animals in science to support justification of integrity concerning animal use.
  • All images of sensitive or confidential matters must be stored in a manner that is secure from random access. Sharing of images for non-approved research related purposes without prior authorization of the University Veterinarian is prohibited.
  • Field Setting - While it is acceptable to post images of wild animals in their normal habitat or surroundings without prior authorization, for wild animals undergoing procedures or being held, prior authorization is required from the University Veterinarian.
  • Animal Facilities - All images taken inside an animal facility (involving animals or not) require pre-approval from the University Veterinarian in consultation with the applicable facility management team.

    Unless unavoidable because of the objectives of the experiment, images of animals should be taken in procedure rooms or laboratory settings. If the image needs to take place in an animal housing room, the investigator/instructor must ensure that this activity will not affect other research or teaching projects in the room. Images taken of animals outside the housing cage is preferred. No cage cards or other identifiers of the institution or personnel are to be included in the image.

Violation of this policy is considered a breach of compliance. Observed violations should be reported anonymously via the online animal welfare and compliance concern reporting tool found on the Animals in Science website.

Date New Version
09/27/2023 Policy Created & Approved


UACC Policy on Taking and Sharing Images of Animals in Science

Download Taking and Sharing Images of Animals in Science policy (PDF 124 KB)